Saturday, October 18, 2014

Streets of Paris..(France)

   There are street performers, doing the best they can to entertain passers by or just anybody.
Some people, they stand a bit far from them, to avoid giving money. Over all, these performers have talent.

   This accordionist won't let me go until he finishes his music.....he really wants me to stand next to

He is playing his accordion...effortless...

 An excerpt of his performance....

Another one---high jumpers...???

Could not resist taking pics of these cute kids...all seated at the sidewalk, watching the performers...

This little girl enjoys putting coin in the hat...

Restaurant Lane....awesome French cuisine..

 Macaroon store....

No idea if the restos are famous or not...what is important...they give authentic French cuisine..

Salmon for sistah (with eggplant and rice)

Steak for me... (with eggplants and potato)

Apple pie--awesomely sweeeeeeeeeeet...

creme brulee.. the best ever I have tasted..not too sweet yet just right..

FRIEND in French....

A local artist, selling his paintings...

Can't believe this cafe still stands through times...

Map of the city.....seriously, no idea where we's supposed to have a mark x on where we stand.

Portable CR (toilet, WC)...actually, it's free, and clean... it cleans and dries the cr automatically..

 Shopping for souvenirs...

My nephew's fave bookstore.....SHAKESPEARE  AND  COMPANY

 Ice cream....on the go...

Sista rented a bike....went around Eiffel Tower

A short video on our bike rides...
The ride is a bit goes with my voice...

I gotta post this again.....can't resist his kindness...and his smile.. yeah, yeah..he's cute...

Here's a ride with sistah....

Yup...this guy is able to 'load' us from and to our destination...and he's still with smile :)

Our ride...going to ORLY Airport...departing for our next stop...Berlin, Germany

And here's what I see along the way...

I'm just glad my camera is able to capture pictures while the cab is moving.....

Going through the tunnel...

at the ORLY AIRPORT...separate counters from the others...thank least, less people.

Some bloopers on my part.....

At no success...I tried to get the background... using the monopad (on my digi cam)..mental note...
I just gave up....

   Finally, I asked someone to take a photo of Place l Concorde...
The 8 female statues adorning the 4 corners of the square represent France's largest cities. In 1793, after the French Revolution, Louis XVI's head was lopped off by a guillotine set up near the statue representing the city of Brest. During the next two years, another guillotine was used to behead 1343 more people, including Marie-Antoinette and the Revolutionary leader Danton. The square was given its present name after the Reign of Terror ended in the hope that it would be a place of peace and harmony.
   I don't know why I am smiling, after knowing the history of this plaza...hmmmm..

    Another luck....

 ...might as well take a picture of the temple..
The 3,300-year-old pink granite obelisk with the gilded top in the square's centre was given to France in 1831 by Muhammad Ali, viceroy and pasha of Egypt. Towering 75 ft (23m) over the cobblestones, it once stood in the Temple of Ramses at Thebes (modern-day Luxor).

Looks like a blind woman, smiling, with her walking stick trying not to hit the wall in front...... :)
I asked someone to take a pic of me...but the timing was unsynched...

I really thought the lady (I asked), will take a good one...oh well, better than nothing...

Call that photo bombs..

So..who's with who..??? The three of us did a great pose ...or could be a 'love triangle' in Paris... lols..

As I say goodbye to Paris, France........
...Be not inhospitable to strangers
   Lest they be angels in disguise.....

   Travel as much as you can...
   As far as you can...
   As long as you can...
   Life's not meant to be lived in one place.

.....Thank you....
--- Freundschaft Bee
 October 1-3, 2014

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