Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Notre Dame, Paris, France

Here is a video I took. I have to record the chimes....my apologies, I am still not good in recording video...
Not the largest cathedral in the world, the Notre-Dame might be the most famous of all cathedrals. The Gothic masterpiece is located on the Île de la Cité, a small island in the heart of the city.
By day.....

 By night...

 Gargoyles of Notre Dame
What do you see when you look up to the top of the great cathedral of Notre Dame? You see monsters, half-man and half-beast. These demon looking creatures carved out of stone are called gargoyles. They are one of the many eerie stone figures that adorn the gutters of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. Gargoyle comes from a Latin word, meaning gullet or drain. That’s what the strange looking creatures are, they’re drainpipes. Each grotesque figure has a passageway inside that carries rainwater from the roof and out through the gargoyle’s mouth. From the top of the cathedral’s towers the gargoyles have a magnificent view of the city.

 The frontal west facade features three wide portals; above the portals is the Gallery of Kings - 28 statues of Judean Kings - and higher up are the famous gargoyles and grotesques. The spectacular eastern flying buttresses at the east side of the building are 15m wide.

 Notre Dame is very much the heart of Paris – so much so that distances from Paris to every part of metropolitan France are measured from place du Parvis Notre Dame , the vast square in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris where crowds gather in the after sun to admire the cathedral facade, pose for 'selfies' with catrhedral backdrop.
Thanks to my awesome zoom lens....
Now let's get inside the Notre Dame....

 Joan of Arc...
 Mother Mary...

 Stained glass windows... remain an important and beautiful collection of 13th-century Gothic art, with interesting details well worth exploring in more detail.

  The highlight - and the greatest survival of original glass - is the set of three beautiful rose windows, which shine like jewels over the west door and in the north and south transept.

We stayed til sunset....hearing the bells and seeing the illuminated Notre Dame.

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