Saturday, March 14, 2015

Streets Of Berlin

This is the last series of my Berlin Trip.
It's all about the common things I see everywhere, as long as it catches my interest.

The sign of  autumn....even at the train stations...

I forgot why I took this ...hmm

This Curry kiosk is in like, every corner.... easy to order, easy to eat. Not that spicy.

As we are going to the train station....

All freshly made buns ...

    On 26 June 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech in support of the citizens of West Berlin after the erection of the Berlin Wall.  During that speech, Kennedy proclaimed solidarity with the citizens of Berlin by stating "Ich bin ein Berliner" (i.e., "I am a Berliner").  Afterward,
rumors began to circulate that Kennedy had made a grammatical error and had referred to himself not as a citizen of Berlin, but rather a German confection similar to a jelly donut.  This misconception was solidified partially by a 1988 New York Times Op-Ed piece, "I am a Jelly-Filled Donut."
Just riding the train...
 Now look closely....
 They bike sideways.....a table so they can drink and eat while pedaling... cool.
More BIKERS and BIKES.........

 Biker with pretzels....
 For bikers as a whole..

Very common in rent a bike...

And--we are just trying hard.... lols

As I carry my camera 
everywhere I go,
these capture the experiences...
 I will never forget.

Until my next travel..
thank you for taking the time here.
--Freundschaft Bee

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