Thursday, September 5, 2019

Travel: Fun Actually

There have been many tips, do's and don't's while traveling.
I consider this as my travel diary. I based them from my many years of traveling.
 There were people I know, asked me how do I prepare for such travel...therefore, I made this --in case they read them... lols..

I. PREP time before TRAVEL
Writing a list of what to bring.
--If my husband sees me on my working desk, writing on a piece of paper with pencil and eraser, he already knows I am making a list.
--I make different headings to categorize the things I must bring.
** TOILETRIES --I usually am not so crazy about these since hotels provide them for me. However, I make sure I have those travel sizes (inside my hand carry bag), i.e. toothpaste, hand lotion, moisturizer, eye cream, hand cream, liquid foundation, eye drops, body lotions, lip balm, face mist....and they should all fit on  a quart zip lock bag inside my hand carry. I take it out for pre boarding x-ray. Yup, as long as they fit all in that plastic bag, I am good. 
--Lately, the TSA now wants the traveler to take out snacks for x-ray, especially the granola and protein bars. Another separate zip lock is needed.

Freebies from my favorite make up brands come in handy. When I go to other countries,  part of my shopping list is to find stuffs for traveling. I put my SPF face lotion, and some anti itch cream on the contact lens container, well labeled.. Oh, I even have rubbing alcohol.  
--Actually, there is still space on my zip lock bag. So I stuff them with other things like carefree panty liners, disposable underwear. I bring wet ones, facial and body wipes..

--There was a time when this TSA screener did not tell me that I forgot my zip lock bag. I was busy fixing my hand carry. I only realized it when I was waiting for my next connecting flight. I was disappointed..coz most of the stuffs took time for me to collect them..collected them from most of my travels were all gone.  They may be freebies, but hey, they were important for me. Oh well, lesson learned.
 **GADGETS - I list down the kind of chargers to bring. Some countries have different wall outlets. I bring my universal adapters.
**CLOTHES - I list down how many pants/jeans, t-shirts, undergarments, and shirts I should bring. I am a fan of disposable panties. I like the ones found at Watson's (Manila). During cold weather, I bring Heatech undergarments, shirts and pants. I bring some weather clothes essentials like parka (light or thick), hat/s, umbrella, and  a raincoat. 
-- Gotta check the general weather of the place first. I am a minimalist when traveling. My logic is: bring less clothes so more space for the things I shopped.
    I bring a laundry soap.
Perla dissolves so fast. Tide is good, gives you the 'freshly washed' feeling. The best for me is ZOTE, it's hard and big, so I cut it into half, and it lasts long. Fabric freshener is good for pants if I don't have the time to wash my jeans.
**SHOES -  I always bring an extra pair.
--My thought is: if it rains, or some uneventful event happens, then I have extra shoes to wear. I never bring new pair of shoes, coz these are not 'tested' yet. I bring my most comfy shoes ever. They may not look nice, but who cares. My feet won't be stressed. There was a time were my ankle boots were really, really old. My sister said, it's time to let go.
-- Slippers-either rubber or for room use. I like disposable slippers. I use them on the plane and sometimes at the hotel room (if there are no slippers provided). Then, I just throw them away.
--When I was in LV, it rained hard. I bought a $2 poncho and it was not bad. I wore my winter hiking boots. I bought them coz the description said they're waterproof. They lied. My feet were soaking wet. Back in the hotel, I blow-dried them w/ the hair dryer, and threw my wet socks.
**FOLDABLE SHOPPING BAG -- Some countries like in Europe, they don't give plastic bags. Well, you can get one but it's for sale. 
-- I put my fresh fruits, yogurt, bread, sweets, etc in my shopping bag.
**BRITA on the GO -- some countries like Europe, water is more expensive than beer and sodas.
--I am a water drinker. First I check if the water is potable. Even if tap water is drinkable, I use Brita to purify some or most negative elements. The filter lasts for 3 months
** PACKING CUBES -- They are good organizers. Once I arrive in the hotel (or wherever I will spend the night/s), I will just take them out and set them either on the closet or on shelf.
--My clothes all fit in. These cubes are worth 5 days of  travel.
Overall, this list actually is short. It makes me focus on what to bring. The logic here is: for me not to spend extra money for toothbrush/toothpaste etc, coz I forgot them. As a budget traveler, every penny counts. I am not worried if they occupy space and add weight on my luggage. They are all small, light, and important..

** Arriving HOURS before the check in time.
-- My husband drives me to the airport. I choose the first flight in the morning. I know, poor guy. For him not to miss work, early flight makes sense, though not convenient especially on winter. There was a time where I almost missed my flight. He was still sleepy. It usually takes time for him to 'wake' up even if he's awake. When I arrived at the airport, the ground staff was already paging my name.
**Timing of the connecting Flight.
--I always have connecting flights. Before I buy the ticket, I count how many hours til my next flight. On the ticket, it says, the plane arrives at a certain hour. Well, true, but actually, it means, it's the actual time the plane lands. Taxiing will take at least 20 minutes. Getting off will take 10-15 minutes. Going to the next gate for my flight (usually international flight), will take at least 30-40 minutes, depends on the SKYLINK (train) and how fast I walk. A 1.5 hour-connection is not enough.
--At least a 3 hour layover is allotted.  It also gives the baggage crew to deliver the luggage to respective gates. 
--Airports I try to avoid (as much as possible) for connecting flights: LAX, ORD, JFK because of so many people.
--International Airports I try to avoid: LHR, CDG because the lay out is not user friendly. It's way too huge, finding directions are hard to find.
--Airports that are easy to navigate: HKG, SIN, TYO, MNL, BKK, DFW, ICN, and counting...
--I prefer the aisle seat. I like to walk and have access to the lavatory. 
--I also call the airline to reserve my aisle seat.
--I print 3-4 copies of my e-tickets. I put one copy inside my luggage/s.
-- I take photos of my boarding passes.
--I downloaded the airline app (I am flying), so I can have the mobile boarding pass/es.
--Mostly in Europe, they prefer the mobile boarding passes.
--Let me tell you this experience:
 Coming back to the USA, my boarding passes had SSSS printed. I did not notice it at first. 
SSSS stands for Secondary Security Screening Selection and it appears on a passenger's boarding pass when they've been selected by TSA's Secure Flight system for enhanced security screening," 
As courteous and respectful the TSA agents were, I was not happy. She patted me all over (no problem, since it's part of their job). The other agent screened my hand carry..all of the items inside. My feeling then was, "Oh God, I am not a criminal. Why are they doing this to me." The paranoia, the what if, etc etc comes  in my mind. It took me almost an hour to finish the screening. She  (agent) explained to me the procedure. She was nice ...thank goodness. Anyway, after all those procedures, I   started running to my next gate.  The only  ok thing here is...they closed one x-ray machine just for me...lols.  That is why, at least 3hour lay over is a must. 
--For long flights, I walk, stretch my legs and feet.
--I am an economy-class flyer. Whatever gadget/thing that will make my flight comfortable, I buy them.
Inflatable pillows are space savers. They are even comfortable.
Inflatable neck pillow and seat cushion...
As for my foot rest, I usually use my hard case hand carry luggage. It fits under the seat in front of me.
--I bring my own earphones. I prefer stereo sound. 
--I wipe my table, armrest, remote controls with wet ones.  
--Face mask is also essential.
--I drink lots of fluids, there is no excuse for me not to stand and go to the lavatory.. ;) 
--If it's an overnight flight, the flight attendants  place snacks and drinks at the galley.

--I research   how to go to my hotel or destination from the airport.
--I usually take the bus airport. It's cheaper, and convenient. I try to avoid the train as much as possible because of my luggage. 
--Sometimes, I take hotel shuttles. The disadvantage is, the van will go to the hotels of the other passengers. I don't have a problem  if I have the time. It's also a sight seeing tour for me.
--When I was in Paris, I was the first to sit on the van. There were 7 of us with different hotel addresses. The driver will go to the nearest hotel at the airport first. Guess what, I was the last person to get off. My hotel was at the city center --at Champs Elysee.
--I make sure I have money for taxis.
--Bring a lot of zip lock plastic bags. They are useful and sturdy.
--Invest on the lightest luggage you can find. Weight matters. 
    My favorite brand is IT Luggage. They have either the hard shell or frame less. I always use the frame less. The 30" dimension luggage weighs around 5.5 lbs only. Normally, airlines require up to 50 lbs of weight. Just imagine how much stuffs you can put inside if you have extra lbs on your luggage...sweet ... 
-- Bring masking tape. This is good for labeling. They are sturdy actually.
 Sometimes, I use this as my "plaster" if I feel that my shoes will give me blisters.
--Small blunt scissors good for cutting things and a kit which has nail cutters, needle, thread, pins.
--Bring extra pad locks. 
    I am into a habit of locking my things inside my room.
--Secure your wallet/s, money/s in your bag. Be careful. Many thieves are roaming around. It is ok to be aggressive especially if your physical boundaries have been violated.
   My sister taught me to tie them in my bag. I buy an ID neck wear with a hook, (which can be bought at any office supplies). I clip it on one end of my wallet, then attach the other end outside my bag.
   When we were in Paris, there were some young adults roaming around, asking tourists to take a survey. Obviously, they were not officially assigned to do that. We avoided them, but they kept following us. One guy had a folder, and showing me this 'paper' while he was talking. He became aggressive, until I raised my voice and said "NO." He was shoving this folder on my stomach. When I stopped him and touched his hand, he was actually trying to open my belt bag. I was shocked! I looked at him, and they finally left us. My sister said, all the while, belt bags are safer than shoulder bags or back packs. I guess these thieves are innovative.  
   When I was in Berlin, I was sitting on the steps of some kind of a museum. A young lady approached me (not German), was smiling, and started touching my face. What!! Not even my sister would touch me on the face, lols. I was surprised, so I shouted at her. She left me alone.   
--Use separate wallets for different denomination or currencies if visiting to different countries.

--Make photo copies of your passport.  Place one in your hand carry, and bring another copy in your go-around bag. 
--I also bring a photo copy of my driver's license. 
    My husband told me, it is better to have an extra ID on hand.

Awareness of my surroundings,
Minding my own things,
Respectful and courteous to others,
and most of all, 
Praying the Holy Rosary at all times,
...these are the most important travel 'tools' ever. 

Thank you for taking time to read my blog.

Photos: Freundschaft Bee
Follow me on: FB freundschaft Bee_photogs

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