Friday, October 7, 2016


Yosemite National Park (/jˈsɛmti/ yoh-SEM-it-ee) is a United States National Park spanning eastern portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa and Madera counties in the central eastern portion of the U.S. state of California. The park, which is managed by the National Park Service, covers an area of 747,956 acres (1,168.681 sq mi; 302,687 ha; 3,026.87 km2) and reaches across the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
Visit the homepage for more info:

I am not a hiker---but I try my  best to walk around.
The drought in California really affects the trees, other plants, mountains-basically,, all living things.
It is the start of the Fall season, hoping to see the real change of the greens,
but, brown all over is evidently around the place...due to the dryness.
However, nature sets into course...nature knows best...nature has its own care for everything.

A photo of my uncle--standing high

As I end my trek here Yosemite,
Let me quote J. Muir

"Nature's peace will flow into you,
as sunshine flows into trees."

Thank you for taking time to view my blog.
-Til my next travel...

btw..all pix are by me
Freundschaft Bee

source: wikipedia

California, USA

My visit in California is primarily a family reunion (sorta), after 20years +, I get the chance to meet my relatives again.

A side trip is always a fun thing to do--Let me share to you the places I have been to.

The Broad is a contemporary art museum in Downtown Los Angeles. The museum is named for philanthropist Eli Broad, who financed the $140 million building which houses the Broad art collections. The museum offers free general admission to its permanent collection galleries.
It opened on September 20, 2015.

For  better perspective...sis has to be under it...

My sis has to be in the pic, know what I mean..

Andy Warhol's classic pictures...

Campbell tins cut into pieces..and made into a ---wall mantel..

Going down the Grand Avenue--this façade makes it interesting for the motorists, I hope.

Well..overall, it was ok...a lot of weird exhibits--so--just be ready to have an open mind.

As I end my trip here in Los Angeles,
Let me quote J. Kahnke...

"It's not a Museum,
It's not a place for artifacts,

It's a place for ideas."

Thank you for taking time to view my blog.
=til my next trip..

btw..all pix are by me
Freundschaft Bee

source: Wikipedia