Tuesday, June 23, 2015

ATHENS--its 2 Sides....

Athens is one of the oldest named cities in the world, having been continuously inhabited for at least 5000 years. Situated in southern Europe, Athens became the leading city of Ancient Greece in the first millennium BC and its cultural achievements during the 5th century BC laid the foundations of western civilization.

 The Acropolis of Athens
is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site (UNESCO, 1987)
It is a BIG walk to go UP to the Acropolis....good thing I wear comfy shoes.

"I'll take your pictures 'Mam. you take mine also.."
The Acropolis, and the Parthenon in particular, is the most characteristic monument of the ancient Greek civilisation. It continues to stand as a symbol in many ways: it is the symbol of democracy and the Greek civilisation. It also symbolises the beginning of the Western civilisation and stands as the icon of European culture.

Here it is again---stone road--just following where this would lead to...
I realized--I was lost..but was appalled to see this 'cat woman.'
She feeds these stray cats.

I just like going inside churches..this one--an Orthodox Church

 Located in the western Peloponnese, Olympia was an ancient Greek sanctuary site dedicated to the worship of Zeus, in whose honour Pan-Hellenic Games were held every four years from 776 BCE to 393 CE.

The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BCE at the first full moon after the summer solstice.
Victors won crowns of olive leaves and an olive branch cut from the scared grove, but much more importantly they won glory, fame, and in a very real sense historical immortality.

Over time other events were added to the Games such as longer foot-races, wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, discus, javelin, jumping, and the pentathlon. At its peak there were 18 events spread over five days. However, it was always the original stadion which remained the most important event.

Inside the Olympia....too bad. I can't even jump for the camera.

The Acropolis Museum
 The Acropolis Museum is an archaeological museum that is in Athens, Greece. The museum features many ancient artifacts that have been discovered at the Acropolis site.

At the entrance of the museum, we can see an architectural digging..

The artifacts are from the Greek Bronze Age, Roman Era, and Byzantine Greece.

Just admiring this intricate sculpture.

 National Archaeological Museum of Athens 
is the largest archeological museum in Greece and one of the most important museums in the world devoted to ancient Greece.

The Mask of Agamemnon is an artifact discovered at Mycenae in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann. The artifact is a funeral mask made in gold, and was found over the face of a body located in a burial shaft, designated Grave V, at the site "Grave Circle A, Mycenae".

 Gotta have a photo with her..

At the back of the museum, has its cafe...
Could not help myself..but do some POSING---not allowed--I was reprimanded...lols..
So..I 'behaved' myself......I think... 

Our life-saver-- HOP ON HOP OFF BUS....
Sitting inside the bus -- roof top is way too cold... brr..
I can read..yet, I can't....

Just be careful from peddlers like this one--selling some cloth..
They can be tricky... tsk, tsk...


This tree caught my attention..

I just like this sign..I wonder why...KEN!!!! That's how I read it.

This guy reminds me of someone,so I took a pic of  this ad..MNG

Oh the enticing BREAD...especially if one is hungry.

Entrance to the Flea Market
Bag's full of ...whatevers...

Obviously...my kinda stores...

Flats are not meant for me...but I do admire the leather slippers.

We prefer local...fascinating to discover their talent and creativity.

Obviously the sign of summer..

Inside an Orthodox Church--small church, filled with incense, and religious icons.

Thanks for keeping me company... :)
Cool local trinkets...
Authentic Greek resto..
Cool performance...

Nothing beats the smell of grilled corn on this cold weather...hungry scent.
I think these are pretzels... (not really sure)..
It is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with chopped nuts and sweetened and held together with syrup or honey. SWEEEEEEEEEEET...it's Baclava..

Greek  coffee..

Also a sweet one...

I admit..I got excited to see the 'real' shops....
I am declaring that this dog is environmentally conscious..

Right in the heart of the shopping area...an on-going archeological digging..

As  dusk comes, more people are hanging out here on this plaza.

A giant in the middle of the city......really interesting.

The reality...

The Greek debt crisis began in 2009 and is still ongoing. During this period many changes have occurred in Greece.

The income of Greeks has been reduced, the political situation has changed radically, the unemployment has been increased, many austerity bills have been approved by Greek parliament and the protests and riots are very frequent.
Graffiti all over the city--sign of protest, a voice of their sentiment.

Back home (Phil,), seeing Greek words mean-fraternities' symbols and names. Well, this is reality, people are already upset at their economy.
Used goods for sale...
Furniture for sale...new ones..

amidst the graffiti ..

These are shops....mostly all closed--out of business.

I think, any BLANK space...they would write their graffiti..

And the saga continues...more protests. This demonstration is in the shopping center. As of this writing, Greece is still in the economic crisis. The government has tried its best to pay off the loan..but to no avail. I feel and observe the on going crisis through the people, and the suroundings. There's this  Filipino worker in the hotel whom we talked to. He is one of the many workers who have been retrenched, unemployed for many months, and somehow have found jobs that they didn't really want. According to him, his present employer owes him 3 months of his salary. He has been spending his small amount of savings on those months in order to survive. He thinks that it might be impossible for him to get his back pay because they (company) are following what the government imposes-that is- Austerity Measure. I'd say, this is the right time to visit Athens. Aside from helping them out, let's face it..it is not that pricey (compared to other EU countries). Just by the mere presence of 'dirty walls' is sad or depressing. However, Greeks somehow are conscious of not to mess up with the artifacts and archeological sights. I do hope that the government would continue preserving the historic value of Greece. 

Beauty of Athens
In the midst of the economic problems..
Athens has its own depth-especially if one is into Greek mythologies like me.

As I end my tour in Athens...

"It is better to see
something once...
Than to hear about it
a thousand times..."

Thank you for taking time to view my blog.
---Freundschaft Bee

Instagram & FB: freundschaft_bee

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens